
Letters Class 9th

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1. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Mother,
        I received your letter yesterday. I am very glad to know that you are enjoying good health. I was running a temperature due to bad throat. But it was a temporary ailment. I have recovered now.
        You need not worry about my health. I am perfectly all right. I am taking good care of my diet. I take exercise regularly. I hope that after these assurances you will stop worrying about me.
         Pay my regards to all at home.

Yours affectionately,
         X.  Y.  Z.

2. letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Father,
       From Ali’s letter I have come to know that mother is suffering from high blood pressure. I am really worried about her. I hope that she is taking precautionary measures to bring it to normal. Please ask her to take her medicine regularly and inform me about her present condition as early as possible.
       Anxiously waiting for your reply.

Yours affectionately,
          X.  Y.  Z.

3. Letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in the exams.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Aamira,
       Your letter brought the happy news of your excellent result in the final examination of 9th class. I am very happy to learn that you have stood first in your class and maintained your position. I am very proud of you. You have always been a hardworking student and I hope you will work even harder next year for the competition will be quite hard.
      Accept my heartiest congratulations on your success. Pay my compliments to your friends.

Yours affectionately,
          X.  Y.  Z.

4. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Mother,
        I am sorry, I did not write to you earlier as I was busy preparing for my test in Physics. It was held yesterday. My performance in the test is satisfactory, I hope to get full marks in it. I attempted eleven questions. The answer to one question was wrong. But it was an extra question. I hope that you are satisfied with my explanation now.
       Pay my regards to everyone at home.

Yours affectionately,
          X.  Y.  Z.

5.letter to your father -requesting him to send you some extra funds -for the payment of hostel dues.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Father,
        I have been planning to write to you for many days but could not find time to do so. My exams are drawing near and I am busy preparing for them. I have already revised my course. You need not worry about my studies.
       The only problem that I face these days is that I am short of money as I bought some books which has upset my budget. I shall be very grateful if you send me at least two thousand rupees to pay my hostel dues and meet my other needs.

Yours affectionately,
          X.  Y.  Z.

6. Letter to your brother about the importance of the study of science subjects.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Ahmad,
        I hope this letter finds you in the best of health spirits. You have now been promoted to class 9th. It is time for you to decide whether you would like to study humanities or science subjects. The world has progressed very much in the field of science. If we want to keep pace with it, we must keep our knowledge of science up-to-date. Every one should know the basics of science so I would advise you to study science at least up to matriculation level.
         Convey my salaam to your friends.

Yours affectionately,
        X.  Y.  Z.

7. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her birthday.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Akram,
         I am specially writing this letter to congratulate you on your birthday. I owe a gift and you will get it when you come to Lahore. I was going to send it to you by post but then I was informed that you plan to come to Lahore. So I decided to give it to you personally. I am waiting for you.
         Convey my respects to aunt and uncle.
         Wishing you the best.

Yours sincerely,
      X.  Y.  Z.

8. Write a letter to your friend requesting her to spend her spring holidays with you.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Aamira,
       You know that our spring holidays are approaching. I would like you to spend these holidays with me. In your last letter you promised to come to me during these holidays. Now it is time to fulfill your promise.
        We shall visit our common friends and do some shopping. Inform me as early as possible about the exact date of your arrival so that I make further arrangements accordingly.
         Wishing you the best.

Yours sincerely,
      X.  Y.  Z.

9. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage of his sister.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Rizwan,
         I am very pleased to learn about the marriage ceremony of your sister. Accept my heartiest congratulation on this occasion.
        I have received your invitation card but I do not think I will be able to attend the ceremony as I will be busy in my exams. I really feel sorry for that.
         Convey my congratulations and my best wishes to all the members of your family.
         Wishing you the best.

Yours sincerely,
      X.  Y.  Z.

10. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Ali,
         My examination is over and I have not much to do these days. I am thinking of improving my English. You talked once about your fine collection of English novels and plays. I want to borrow a few novels from you. I hope that you not refuse. I assure you that I shall take care of your books. I shall try to return these books as early as possible.
             Pay my compliments to your parents.

Yours sincerely,
     X.  Y.  Z.

11. Write a letter to your friend thanking her for hospitality during your visit to her house.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Saba,
             I reached home last Sunday. I had a comfortable journey and reached home safe. I miss you very much. I spent very good time with you. I enjoyed your company. I shall never forget the taste of Biryani and Quorma you cooked one day. I must thank you for the trip to Murree that you specially arranged for me.
           Convey my thanks to aunt and uncle for their kindness and love. They really made me feel at home.

Yours sincerely,
      X.  Y.  Z.

12. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Aamer,
         I have just received the news of your mother’s death. I am really shocked to hear it. She was very noble lady. I had special attachment to her. She loved me as her own son. But the laws of nature are absolute. We have to bow before them.
         All my sympathies are with you. I hope that you will bear this loss with patience and courage. My her soul rest in heaven!

Yours  truly,
  X.  Y.  Z.

13. Write a letter to your brother advising him to improve his health.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Ahmad,
          I met Munir last night and he informed me that you were over worked in your studies. You stay awake till late night and have become very weak. I appreciate your love for knowledge but it must not be allowed to damage your health. First take care of your health, then of your studies. Try to sleep early and develop a habit of taking morning walk. I suggest you to have a light exercise in the morning also.
           I hope that you will give attention to my advice.

Yours affectionately,
          X.  Y.  Z.

14. Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Sammrah,
         I hope that you are in good health. I received your gift of a wrist watch on my birth day two days ago. It is a beautiful watch. I needed it badly too as I happened to lose my watch in a mishap a few days ago. I promise that I shall take care of it. It will also help to make me punctual.
          I thank you again for this precious gift.

Yours affectionately,
          X.  Y.  Z.

15. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the books he lent to you.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
August 11,2015.

Dear Akbar,
        I have received the books you lent me the day before yesterday. I am really grateful to you for this. I have already started reading these books and I hope to return them very soon.
         Thanking you again.

Yours truly,

  X.  Y.  Z.

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