
SENTENCES 9th English

9th class sentences,sentences,english sentences,sentence 9th,simple sentence,short sentences,affirmative sentence,compound sentence,interrogative sentence,negative sentences,
Century:.....................A century consists of hundred years.
Conquest:.................  The conquest of Makkah is an important event in the history of Islam.
Influential:................ He was an influential political leader.
Determination:.........  Ali has succeeded by his sheer determination.
Delegation:............... The pagan Arabs sent a delegation to the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) uncle.
Quietly:......................He went quietly into the house.
Urge: .........................She had pressing urge to become a doctor.
Ignorance:................ .We should eliminate ignorance from our society.
Sacrifice:................... We should be ready to sacrifice for our country.
Commendable:...........Patriotism is a commendable quality.
Prosperity:..................We should be work for the prosperity of our country.
Invasion:....................We should be ready to face of foreign invasion.
Motherland:................I love my motherland.
Responsible:..............We should be responsible citizen.
Nationalism:..............We should prefer nationalism instead of provincialism.
Geared up:................ The students are all geared up.
Global village:...........It’s through media that the world has become a global village.
A click away:.............Now, the world is just a click away.
Constructive role:.. ...Media plays very constructive role for society.
Raise awareness:........Media raises awareness in people.
To keep an eye:....... ..Media tries to keep an eye on every segment of the society.
A mouth piece:.......... Media has become a mouth piece of downtrodden.
Downtrodden:............Media has become a mouth piece of downtrodden.
Mad with anger:........His misbehavior made his brother mad with anger.
Fit of fury:.................He slapped her face in a fit of fury.
Revealed the secret: .She remained steadfast and did not reveal the secret.
Resolute:...................She had resolute faith in Allah Almighty.
Alleviate:...................His concern was alleviated.
Migration:................ The Holy Prophet (SAW) migrated from Makkah to Madina.
Companion:...............A good companion is a great blessing of God.
Refuge:......................They took refuge in a cave.
Gave away:................She sold her garden and gave away all her money to the poor.
Determined:............ ..We should be determined to become a good person.
Bits and pieces...........We should not divide into bits and pieces.
Man in the street.... ...Our government does not benefits a man in the street.
Raising spirit..............Our Quaid wanted to raise spirit in our nation.
Pass through........... ...I have passed through many problems.
Fall a prey..................Unfortunately, he fell a prey to drugs.
Impressive.................It is an impressive building.
Dexterously...............He was a talented baseball player because he was dexterous.
Spacious....................The Mosque has a spacious courtyard.
Humility....................She accepts her mistakes with humility.
Flamboyant..............  His mannerisms were flamboyant and extroverted.
To save the world... ..Nuclear weapons should be banned to save the world.
Near and dear......... ..My son is near and dear to me.      
Lost battle................. Allah helped me to win a lost battle.
Ironic smile.............. .He gave me an ironic smile.  
An inner  voice....... ..An inner voice some where within.
To make up one's mind........... I made up my mind to risk my career.
Frozen to the ground.............. She was frozen to the ground to know about her result. 
Poop in mind........... .Several questions pooping in my mind.  
Look  for....................I am looking for nice people.  
Big hug......................He gave me a big hug.  
Bear fruit..................  At last my efforts bore fruit.
Fall a prey to...........  Why do people fall a prey to drugs.        
Addicted to............... He is addicted to drugs.  
In order to................ We should develop some civic responsibility in order to wipe out the    
                                            Serious threats of society.  
In this regard..........   She rendered useful services in this regard.    
Declared an outcast}... People often did not admit their fault for fear of being declared             
                                              an Outcast.
Due to........................He is physically weak due to his illness.
At stake.....................The life of a driver is always at stake.  
Immense..................  He was carrying immense load.
Ill at ease...................Some people put other residents ill at ease.
Civic responsibility......We should develop some civic responsibility in order to wipe out        
                                                the serious threats of society.
Concentration........    We should learn everything with fully concentration.
Brig down................. We should try to bring down serious threats of our society.
Gear up......................We should be gear up to face every hardship.  
Come forward.........   We should come forward to check drug addiction.
To check....................We should come forward to check drug addiction.
Values of life.............. We should the values of life for better living.
Vigor..........................We should live each day with vigor.
Spiritual values....... ...  We should also know about spiritual values.
Thrilling miracle.... ....   The rising of the sun is a thrilling miracle.
Revelation of  beauty.....The dawn of each day is new revelation of beauty.
Now and then...............   Now and then I tested myself for my duties.
Delicate symmetry..........I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.
Velvety texture....... ......   I feel the delightful velvety texture of a flower.
Occasionally.................   Occasionally, I go to a garden to walk.
Dormant and sluggish faculties........We should try to awake the dormant and sluggish       
                                                                        faculties of our students.