
Divine Bliss


Divine bliss,Divine,Bliss,guidance,creation guidance,lagislative guidance,seek truth,truth,truthseeking,

Divine Bliss

It has two basic meanings:

1. Creation Guide:

 All that exists in the universe:

(refers to the guidance that all beings receive from the Lord of the universe in accordance with the laws of the universe under the system of creation).

The Qur'an quotes the words of Prophet Moses (A.) in this regard:

Moses said: Our Lord is He Who created all things and then guided them (Taha, 2).

2. Legislative Guidance:

Which is accomplished through prophets and divine books and paves the way for the progress of mankind through education and training. There is an example evidence of this in the Qur'an.

It is certain that the Qur'an was revealed for the guidance of the whole world.

      Why is guidance specified in the Qur'an for the pious?

 The reason for this is that unless a part of piety is present in man, it is impossible to get guidance from the heavenly books and the call of the prophets. Recognize and then bow before him.

 In other words, those who do not have faith can be divided into two groups. One is those who seek truth and have so much piety in them that wherever they find the truth they will accept it and the other part is those who are stubborn, bigoted and fanatical people who not only do not seek truth but whenever they see it, they will try to eradicate it. Now it is certain that the Qur'an and other books were and are only useful for the first group and the second group cannot benefit from their guidance. As if in addition to the function of the subject, there is also a condition of acceptance in the acceptor. It doesn't matter if the guidance is creational or not.

 The crop does not come from the noisy ground even if it rains thousands of times.

 Rather, the land needs to be prepared so that it can benefit from the life-giving drops of rain.

 Even the land of human existence will not accept the seed of guidance unless it is free from stubbornness, stubbornness and prejudice. On this basis, the divine instruction is:

The Qur'an is a guide for pious people.


 ۔ The pious are those who believe in the unseen (whose senses cannot perceive), establish prayer and spend out of the blessings and bounties which We have provided for them.

 ۔ These are the people who believe in what has been revealed before you (SAW).

 ۔ They are guided by God, and they are the successful ones.

So, for them it is a “Divine Bliss”.

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