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Date of birth March 21 to April 20

Ø The ruling planet is Mars

Ø Fire element

Ø Its number one in the zodiac

Ø The lucky number is 6

Ø The color of happiness is pink-red-burgundy-maroon

Ø The stone of happiness is stone-topaz-sapphire-ruby

Ø Happy Tuesday

Ø The flower of happiness rose

Full introduction

       Attackers are fearless, aggressive and courageous. They like jobs and work related to challenges. For example, they like to take up jobs related to military acting and psychology. Sometimes they also participate in extremist type of politics. Yes, they always want to be ahead. Their desire is not unreasonable because their solar number is number one in the constellations. Their eyebrows are often intertwined. Of course, self-confidence is extremely high, so they play a leading role in their profession. They like to talk directly, although not all attackers are. There are those People born between March 12 and April 20 are born warriors. They are naturally exposed to difficulties and obstacles, and they fight hard to avoid them. Business attackers are usually very wealthy. But sadly, most of them spend their money wisely and when they go bankrupt financially or emotionally, they become very frustrated and hopeless. Give it to another person with whom they are connected but soon their despair and frustration disappears and one Puba then devises a new scheme and starts a new project and career or with a new personality. This is how they start their life again. Job-seekers do their job responsibly and always take the initiative in dangerous tasks.

       These people give a secondary status to wealth. Starting a new life is a special virtue of pregnant people. They soon forget their defeats and troubles but sadly they do not learn any lessons from these troubles. Plans and work start at the same time but when work on these projects starts, their interest disappears and eyes start wandering around. The short story is that the completion of projects is left incomplete for others. If you see an incomplete picture, you will understand that its creator will be an attacker.

       They think they are smarter than everyone else and they want power everywhere. They want to do everything directly. They don't like sports very much. Attack children start walking faster than other children. They break their own record in education These kids are quick tempered but can't stay angry for long. Whenever they meet, they meet with a smile. They should tell stories of bravery. The attacker is very generous in giving love and is very shy in receiving love, so he dislikes the woman taking the initiative in expressing love. They are often called selfish. These people make mistakes. They are good at catching up. They are so busy with their personal development that they do not have time to take note of other people's problems. Men can take pieces from all over the world. Invading men and women are more than one in life They get married ten times. Where can they find a woman who is obedient as well as courageous, high-spirited and incredibly capable of understanding her husband in return for any sympathy from her husband? Don't keep


Hardworking, intelligent, determined, well-dressed, inspiring, popular, gentle-hearted, successful, far-sighted, Smart, Attractive, Compassionate, Innovative, Sensitive, Careful, Compassionate, Generous, Friendly, Powerful, Jealous, Superstitious, irresponsible, flattering, lazy, incomplete, cunning and selfish.

Our Dreams


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           Sometimes man sees many things in his sleep which he cannot see in his waking state. In common parlance this is called a dream. In the summary of the commentaries, it is said that in a dream, the soul leaves the body and travels to the upper world and the lower world. What it cannot see in waking, it sees. It should be called the spiritual sense, the physical sense can only dominate the present and the spiritual sense perceives both the present and the absent.

              Sometimes funny and sometimes horrible pictures come to mind and with awakening this whole story disappears instantly. In many places in the Quran, dreams have been mentioned in different ways and in the hadiths, the Holy Prophet (saw) has given some details about it, which shows that the existence of dreams is true. The dream of people other than the Holy Prophets, although not a legitimate argument, is due to the blessings of Divinity and the blessings of Prophethood. It is narrated from Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: A good dream is one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood. What is meant by this is knowledge of prophethood, that is, good behavior is one of the components and parts of the knowledge of prophecy. (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim) In this hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has described the virtues and virtues of a good dream and has described it as a reflection of Prophethood.

There are three types of dreams:

               The first type is the idea of ​​the self, that is, the things that a person is engaged in throughout the day and the things that are dominating his heart and mind are seen in the form of dreams at night.

                The second type is the nightmare, which is actually a reflection of demonic influences. Satan has been the enemy of mankind since time immemorial and just as he tries to mislead and disturb man in the waking world, so he does not allow man to rest even in the state of sleep.

                The third type of dream is that which is called glad tidings by Allah that Allah gives glad tidings in the dream to whomever He wills of His servants and in the mirror of his heart as gestures and signs he makes difficult the things that are to come. It is about to take place or it is related to the spiritual and emotional maturity and contentment of the believer. It is reliable and interpretable and its virtue and definition is mentioned in the hadith. (Modern Demonstration)

                A good dream is good tidings and good news from Allah that the servant may be happy and that dream may be the cause of his good behavior and hope in Allah Almighty and may increase the gratitude of God and bad dream may be a reflection of evil effects. That is, a person is naturally disturbed and saddened by a bad dream, which makes the devil very happy. Therefore, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) instructed that whoever has a bad and unpleasant dream, he should give up three times to the left. And seek refuge in Allah from the devil three times and change the crotch on which he was smiling while dreaming (Mushkoot: 1).

                According to another hadith, when a person has such a dream, he should not pay attention to it and should not tell it to any enemy or friend. Will be safe The reason for not telling such a dream in front of an enemy or a friend is that when the listener misinterprets the dream in view of its apparent state, he will have to fall into erroneous delusion because of it. Different kinds of fears, whispers and different delusions and thoughts will arise in the heart and mind which will disturb the person and will affect his peace and tranquility in any way. At the same time it is possible that Let it happen. In the same way, this matter and this thing do not remain fixed in a single place.

                Therefore, it has been said that the matter of a dream is also such that unless it is revealed to someone and it is kept hidden in one's heart. It does not have any validity till the time nor does it happen but when it is stated in front of someone and as soon as it is interpreted it happens according to that interpretation. Therefore, such a dream should not be mentioned in front of anyone. In a good dream, although the mind does not move towards unpleasant things, it should not be explained to any ignorant, hostile or incompetent person, because misinterpretation can change the direction of the dream. of the There is nothing wrong with telling expert and wise friends.



horoscope,astrology,horoscope 2022,nasa,stars,planets,zodiac sign,zodiac circle,libra,leo,moon,sun,


  A horoscope is a kind of celestial image or map. In which the position of the sun, moon and planets in the twelve constellations and twelve houses is given according to the given time and place.

     There are many types and shapes of horoscopes. But the natal chart is considered the most important. Each person's horoscope is slightly different from the other, Because the sun, moon and planets are not stationary in the sky. Rather, they are in constant motion at every moment. Also, our earth is rotating on its own axis every moment.

      The English word horoscope is derived from the Greek word “horoskopos”, which literally means the sign of time, the observation of time, or the goal of time. Horoscope is a Persian word, and Pahlavi is derived from "Zech". Zach or Zich literally means observatory. That is, a place to observe and calculate the planets. In ancient times, zech or zech refers to planetary-tables and planetary-formulas. Because at that time celestial observations, mathematical astronomy and astronomy were very much intertwined.

       The horoscope is a celestial image, but it is not a complete picture of the entire celestial sphere, nor is it like a NASA space photo. At first glance, the horoscope will look like a square or circle divided into twelve parts. The twelve cells contain the symbols, abbreviations, or names of the planets.

        Consider that with the human eye thousands of stars are visible in the sky and telescopes are tens of millions. But the horoscope does not include all of these. In fact, there are only ten or twelve planets (including the moon and the sun). but why? Because the horoscope usually only covers the planets of our own solar system. This is a map of a particular part of the sky. That special part consists of the ecliptic pathway of the sun.

         Observing from Earth, we see the planets of the solar system, and the moon and the sun revolving on the same path. In astrology, this ecliptic solar system is divided into twelve parts. Named after the twelve constellations. The elliptical circle of the twelve constellations is called the zodiac circle. For convenience, consider that the likeness of the constellation is like a heavenly road, and the likeness of the planets is like the vehicles moving on this road.

The three main layers of the horoscope

         The horoscope shows who was, where, in the sky relative to a particular time, date and place on earth. Similarly, where is meant twelve towers and twelve houses. You can understand them as layers. That is, the horoscope is a combination of these three layers.

First layer: Twelve signs

Second layer: twelve houses

Layer 3: Planets-and-points

         Every complete horoscope has these three layers. Sometimes they are written in the form of symbols, sometimes in the form of abbreviations, Sometimes the horoscope does not show the constellation or the house in writing. For example, the names or numbers of houses are not written in the horoscopes of Hindi astrology. But every astrologer knows which house in the horoscope is for which house.

Twelve constellations in the horoscope

      The constellation is also called sign or zodiac sign. The constellations are actually twelve equal parts of the solar system in the sky. Common names for the twelve constellations are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Because the constellation based on the twelve constellations is 360 degrees. Therefore, the length of each tower is 30 degrees.

      Although the names, symbols and similes of the twelve constellations are the same in Indian astrology and Greek astrology. But the point-of-origin-for-zodiac of the two constellations is different. At present there is a difference of more than 24 degrees between the Indian astrology and the Greek astrology. Every 72 years this difference increases by one degree.

       In the Indian chart, the planets lag 24 degrees (approximately one bridge) behind the Western chart. Each planet does not have to have a constellation behind in the Indian chart, but in most cases a difference of 24 degrees leads the planets to the previous constellation

        Sometimes the horoscope shows the constellation in the form of numbers. That is, number 1 is written in place of Aries. Number 2 is written instead of Taurus. Numbers 3 for the constellation Joza, and 12 digits for the rest of the constellations, respectively. It's just a way of expressing yourself in writing. This method is common in horoscopes made in Pakistan and northern India. In contrast, in the wheel chart of the Greek astrology (Western astrology), the sign of the zodiac is represented by specific symbols.

       Another misconception associated with the constellation is to consider the Sun sign as a horoscope. Remember there is no sun sign, horoscope. This misconception has become commonplace only because of the public interest and prediction columns. The sun sign is actually a small part of the horoscope. And that's part of the Western astrological horoscope.

    To put it simply, it's just like a truck light, a full truck.

      There is no such thing as sunshine in Indian astrology. There, after devotion, importance is given to Chandra Rashi and Janam Nachhatar. Every other person in India knows his zodiac sign and Nachhatra, because the practice of making horoscopes is common there. In contrast, most naive Pakistanis know only their Western sun sign. But they are unknowingly watching the weekly predictions of Indian astrology available on the internet. Without realizing that the Sun Sign of Western Astrology, and the Moon Sign (Lunar Rashi) of Indian Astrology have something in common. The limit is that some so-called Pakistani astrologers are following the same wrong path. Useful astrology based on Indian astrology and see the annual positions of Guru and Saturn from the famous astrological calendar. And apply it to the Sun sign of Western Astrology. This intellectual infertility can only be mourned. Considering that Indian astrology is good. Western astrology is also wonderful.

        One of the main reasons for the popularity of the Western Sun sign among the people is that it can be easily identified with the help of the conventional English (Gregorian) calendar. Newspapers and the Internet have tables that give the start and end dates of each sign. A difference of one and a half days is possible between them. Such ready-made tables can only work for the approximate position of the Sun's sign of Western astrology (because the English calendar is based to some extent on the annual rotation of the equatorial sun).

        The horoscope is not just the name of the Sun constellation. In addition to the Sun, the horoscope gives details including details of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn, Zodiac, and other constellations. But it is a little difficult for people to understand. The year of birth and the time of birth are not required to know the Sun sign. Most Pakistanis hide their actual year of birth, and do not know the time of birth. So the sun sign becomes the general support. The Western Sun sign gives a glimpse into a person's mood and character. But the sun sign alone cannot be relied upon for prediction and timing. If this were the case, then there would be only twelve types of people and twelve types of events appearing in the world. Which is not true.

Twelve houses in the horoscope

         The house is a very important part of the horoscope. Simply put, at any given time, the twelve celestial towers from the earthly place (your city or village), in the order and manner in which they appear, are called houses. The total number of houses in each horoscope is twelve. Not less than twelve, not more than twelve. Each house has several names. And from every house there are innumerable matters of life: like the first house is health and personality. The second house is of income and wealth. The seventh house is for marriage and spouse. The fifth house is of children and creative intelligence. The ninth house is for Hajj and pilgrimage. The tenth house is of profession and social status. The twelfth house is for retirement. And the eighth house is death. Household attributes for horoscopes should be memorized orally. By the way, the list of household attributes is endless. But there are some important attributes of every home that need to be memorized.

          To understand horoscope houses, it is necessary to understand a little bit of shape and astronomy. Although the Earth is neither the center of the solar system nor the center of the universe. But we humans live on earth. And they observe the heavens above the earth. This method (observation or calculation) is called geo-centric. We are present anywhere on earth, city, village, valley or mountain. We cannot see the whole sky at once. Only half of the sky is visible. The sky we see during the day is different from the night sky. Similarly, we cannot see 12 constellations at once. Only half, that is, six celestial belts can be seen. This half-sky is called the visible-heaven, which extends from the twelfth house to the seventh house. And the part that is not visible is called invisible-heaven, which consists of the sixth house from the first house. Heaven here actually means the sky, not God or Heaven.

          In the sky The part of the constellation that appears on Earth to meet our local eastern horizon is called the Ascendant. From this point the counting of twelve houses begins. The constellation in which the dot is located is called the rising constellation or the rising-sign. Similarly, the part of the constellation that appears on Earth to meet our local western horizon is called the Descendant. When counted from the astrological constellation, it is always opposite to the seventh constellation. Since the count of twelve houses begins with a fortune. That is why astrology is also called the first house.

         There are several ways to estimate the twelve horoscope houses. Some methods are simple, such as the Whole-Sign-House-System and the Equal-House-System. Some methods are difficult, based on mathematics. They are also called Quadrant-House-System. Leading examples are Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Alcabitius house systems. If I had to make a horoscope for someone according to Western astrology, I personally prefer the Equal-House-System. While in the horoscope made according to Indian astrology, I give basic importance to Rashi Chart, Moon Chart and Nawansh Chart.

        Whatever the horoscope, whatever the type of house system, the total number of houses in each horoscope is twelve. Unlike brogues, glyph-or-symbols are not used for houses. In the Western Astrology wheel chart, houses are shown by their number, for example, the first house is numbered 1, the second house is numbered 2, the third house is numbered 3, and so on. That is, the numbers from 1 to 12 only show the houses in the Western Astrology wheel chart. In contrast, the numbers 1 to 12 represent the constellation in the square chart of Indian astrology.

Interestingly, the names or numbers of the houses are not written in the horoscopes of Indian Astrology. Rather, they are known by their specific location. The eye of an experienced astrologer knows exactly which horoscope box represents which house.

Planets in the horoscope

      As stated at the beginning of this article, the horoscope contains the symbols or abbreviations of only about a dozen planets (including the moon and the sun). Because the horoscope usually only covers the planets of our own solar system.

       Indian astrology is traditionally based only on Nogra (ie, nine planets). Although dozens of other specific points and sub-signs are also part of Indian astrology. But in general, in the twelve boxes of the Indian chart, you will see only nogras except devotion. Here are their names. Sun, Moon, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

       The use of symbols is more prevalent in modern Western astrology. Circular horoscopes are common there. By the way, this tradition is not very old. At one time medieval European, ancient Iranian and Arab astrologers used to draw square horoscopes. But the practice of wheel charts in modern Greek astrology has been on the rise again for over two hundred and fifty years. In the current wheel charts, planets are represented by specific symbols. The signs of the sun and the moon are very common. The other two well-known forms are the glyphs of Mars and Venus, which are also used to represent gender differences. It is not difficult to remember the signs of the planets. With a little practice, they become mindful.

       The Western Astrology Wheel Chart includes the newly discovered planets namely Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, in addition to Neuron (Sun and Moon), Khumsa Muthirah (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), Aqdatin (Venus). That is, at least twelve planets besides As and Asher (MC). Dude, the sun and the moon and the sun and the moon are not really planets. But for convenience and uniformity, they are all called planets. Wheel charts sometimes include Fortuna, Chiron, other small asteroids, and a few fixed-stars.

Divine Bliss


Divine bliss,Divine,Bliss,guidance,creation guidance,lagislative guidance,seek truth,truth,truthseeking,

Divine Bliss

It has two basic meanings:

1. Creation Guide:

 All that exists in the universe:

(refers to the guidance that all beings receive from the Lord of the universe in accordance with the laws of the universe under the system of creation).

The Qur'an quotes the words of Prophet Moses (A.) in this regard:

Moses said: Our Lord is He Who created all things and then guided them (Taha, 2).

2. Legislative Guidance:

Which is accomplished through prophets and divine books and paves the way for the progress of mankind through education and training. There is an example evidence of this in the Qur'an.

It is certain that the Qur'an was revealed for the guidance of the whole world.

      Why is guidance specified in the Qur'an for the pious?

 The reason for this is that unless a part of piety is present in man, it is impossible to get guidance from the heavenly books and the call of the prophets. Recognize and then bow before him.

 In other words, those who do not have faith can be divided into two groups. One is those who seek truth and have so much piety in them that wherever they find the truth they will accept it and the other part is those who are stubborn, bigoted and fanatical people who not only do not seek truth but whenever they see it, they will try to eradicate it. Now it is certain that the Qur'an and other books were and are only useful for the first group and the second group cannot benefit from their guidance. As if in addition to the function of the subject, there is also a condition of acceptance in the acceptor. It doesn't matter if the guidance is creational or not.

 The crop does not come from the noisy ground even if it rains thousands of times.

 Rather, the land needs to be prepared so that it can benefit from the life-giving drops of rain.

 Even the land of human existence will not accept the seed of guidance unless it is free from stubbornness, stubbornness and prejudice. On this basis, the divine instruction is:

The Qur'an is a guide for pious people.


 ۔ The pious are those who believe in the unseen (whose senses cannot perceive), establish prayer and spend out of the blessings and bounties which We have provided for them.

 ۔ These are the people who believe in what has been revealed before you (SAW).

 ۔ They are guided by God, and they are the successful ones.

So, for them it is a “Divine Bliss”.

Pak-Studies (UM Unit-5)

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مطالعہ پاکستان    ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔سبق نمبر5۔۔۔۔۔۔تحفظ حقوق نسواں

چھیڑ چھاڑ  کرنا ،تیزاب پھینکنا ،گھریلو تشدد ہوتا ہے۔


عورتوں پر

مردوں پر

بچوں پر

جانوروں پر


اپوا (APWA)ادارہ قائم ہوا۔







تحریک  حقوق نسواں اور تحریک مساوات نسواں کی بنیاد پڑی۔


19ویں صدی

20ویں صدی

21ویں صدی

22ویں صدی


حضور ﷺ کی پہلی زوجہ۔


حضرت عائشہ

حضرت خدیجہ

حضرت جویریا

حضرت میمونہ


VAW کا مطلب ہے۔


مردانہ تشدد

نسوانی تشدد

صنفی تشدد

جنگ زدہ کے خلاف تشدد


پنجاب تحفظ نسواں تشدد ایکٹ منظور ہوا۔







انسداد تشددمراکز برائے خواتین قائم کیے جائیں گے۔


ملکی سطح پر

شہری سطح پر

صوبائی سطح پر

ضلعی سطح پر


نسوانی تشدد کا ارتکاب ممکن ہے۔


تمام کے ذریعے

اجنبی کے ذریعے

شوہر کے ذریعے

خواتین کے ذریعے


پنجاب میں شادی کی قانونی عمر ہے۔



لڑکے اور لڑکیوں کی16سال

لڑکے اور لڑکیوں کی18سال

لڑکے اور لڑکیوں کی14سال


ہیلپ لائن کا نمبر جو نسوانی تشدد کے لیے استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے۔







۔۔۔۔۔۔۔تشدد صنفی تشدد کی ایک قسم ہے۔







وہ عمل جس میں جسمانی،دماغی یا جنسی نقصانات شامل ہیں،وہ ہے:


نسوانی تشدد

جسمانی تشدد

حیوانی تشدد

انسانی تشدد


تشدد  کا ارتکاب عام طور پر اس وقت ہوتا ہے جب جھگڑے کے حل کے لیے کوئی۔۔۔۔۔۔موجود نہ ہو۔



متبادل طریقہ




عام جگہوں پر جانا ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔دونوں کا یکساں حق ہے۔


انسان اور حیوان

بچہ اور بچی

چھوٹ اور بڑے

مرد اور عورت


نسوانی حقوق میں۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔حقوق شامل ہیں۔


سماجی اور قانونی

رحمانی اور شیطانی

انسانی اور ایمانی

نفسانی اور زنانی


وہ پہلی خاتون جس نے عورتوں کے حقوق کی وکالت کی:


اندرا گاندھی

بیگم روبینہ

فاطمہ جناح

بیگم لیاقت علی


پاکستان میں عورتوں کے حوالے سے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔کا دن منایا جاتا ہے:







کوہ صفا اور مروا کے درمیان دوڑیں:


حضرت زہرہ

حضرت فاطمہ

حضرت زینب

حضرت حاجرہ




جانوروں پر..1


22ویں صدی..3

حضرت جویریا..4


نسوانی تشدد…5


ضلعی سطح پر…7

خواتین کے ذریعے…8





نسوانی تشدد…12


متبادل طریقہ…13

مرد اور عورت…14

سماجی اور قانونی…15

فاطمہ جناح…16




حضرت حاجرہ…18



مندرجہ ذیل سوالات کے مختصر جوابات تحریر کریں۔



اقوام متحدہ کے مطابق نسوانی تشدد کون سا عمل ہے؟




لوگوں کے مطابق تشدد کب وقوع پزیر ہوتا ہے؟




قیام پاکستان کے وقت عورتوں کو کون سے حقوق دیے گئے؟




اللہ تعالیٰ کے ہاں مرد عورت کیا ہیں ؟




پنجاب میں کم عمر کی شادی پر پابندی کا ایکٹ 2015تحریر کریں ۔




 کیا ہے؟  DWPOS




"تشدد "اور "نسوانی تشدد"کی اصطلاحات بیان کریں۔




یہ دلیل غلط کیوں ہے جس کے مطابق تشدد زدہ خاتون کا اپنا قصور ہوتا ہے؟




نسوانی تشدد میں مجرم اور ستم زدہ کون ہوتے ہیں؟



پنجاب تحفظ نسوانی تشدد ایکٹ2016کے تحت کون کون سے جرائم آتے ہیں؟


مندرجہ ذیل سوالات کے جوابات تفصیل سے لکھیں۔

اسلام میں عورت کا کیا مقام ہے؟قرآن و حدیث کی روشنی میں مثالیں دیکر واضح کریں۔


نسوانی تشدد کے متعلق عوامی رائے کا تجزیہ کریں۔


پنجاب تحفظ نسواں تشدد ایکٹ2016کے نمایاں خدوخال کیا ہیں؟ بیا ن کریں۔


انسداد تشدد مراکز برائے خواتین میں کون کون سی سہولیات میسر ہیں؟وضاحت کریں۔
